Friday, April 28, 2017

D6PBL (on Slack)

So I was struggling to come up with the 12th reply to a post (that wasn't repetitive at this point) and one of the things I saw that kept coming up in other people's posts was the desire to have some type of continuation of PBL discussion with the members of our cohort. So, I made a Slack team for us:

I set it up so that anyone with a or email address could sign up. 

If you've never used Slack before, it's pretty much one of the best messaging apps I've ever seen. I've included some information for you below:

Getting started for new users

And here's a more detailed overview for those of you who have never heard of it:

What is Slack and how does it work? - Pocket-lint

Let me digress for a moment. I use Slack as a backchannel chat option for my own classes. I've learned there are 3 kinds of people who slack: those who use it as intended, those who use it to post memes and/or other distracting stuff, and those who don't use it. So, just be aware of that if you think about using it with students. I had to basically make a "Memeteam" channel for some of my kids so that they wouldn't clutter up the general channels where we actually got work done. Before I did that, a lot of productivity was lost to spam.

Anyway, back on topic, Slack is cool because it's a group discussion, and you can also very easily post links/share files through it. It's a simple drag-and-drop for files (my kids use it for collaboration a lot) as long as you're not dropping massive files in there (think long videos).

Slack has a pretty slick mobile app, but be warned if there's a lot of activity going on in a slack channel, you may want to turn push notifications off for it on your phone.

I think Slack is really cool, and I think it has a lot of potentials; I hope people sign up/actually use it if they're serious about keeping the discussion going.

Thanks, everyone, it's been a great series of classes.


  1. Thanks Austin! I think this will be an awesome way for us to keep in touch and "keep the conversation going." This class be so supportive in everyone's PBL units. I think this will be awesome.

  2. Hi Austin,
    Thank you for setting this up for us. I signed in and already appreciate the ease of use and the digital platform for our gruop to stay connected.

