Sunday, April 2, 2017

PBL Peer Presentation or PBLPP

I was very happy to hear before Spring Break that my principal was ready to move forward with my Peer Presentation.  I would love to hear any thoughts or suggestions my PBL friends might have to offer.
My guidelines for my Peer Presentation are the following:
 - work with Dawn (Yah)
- present 3 times during the morning of April 19
- 45 minute presentation during planning periods
- one presentation for each grade level (6th, 7th, 8th)
- introduce the elements of a PBL
- guide each group to design a PBL that will be implemented after state testing - kind of a mini-May PBL.
This leads me back to our time in summer Dawn asked us to create our first PBL using the strategies of PBL.   I am excited to "pay it forward" and see what wonderful ideas each grade level comes up with.
This will create a wonderful opportunity for our students to have a meaningful, learning experience during a time of the year which often falls short in the respect.


  1. Hi Marie,
    I am really looking forward to being able to support you as you "pay it forward" with your peer presentations at Dawkins. I know your colleagues will appreciate the time and thought you have already put into preparing this pd, but also the authenticity of it because it is something you have actually applied yourself all year through this cohort. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.


  2. I hope your Peer Presentation went well. I love the idea of doing a 'mini-May' or May-mester type PBL. My students will be finishing up their Genius Hour projects during May/after-testing, but I love this idea! I feel this is a great idea for teachers who are new to PBL and want to dip their toes in before summer. Maybe by getting their feet wet they'll be ready to dive in when we return in the fall. Thanks for the idea!
