Monday, July 3, 2017

Savannah Griffith Blog Post #5

Savannah Griffith

What I Use To Think but Now I Know

            When I first found out I was going to be taking the PBL class I was so nervous. I had never learned about PBL or really even knew what it stood for. I begged my principal to choose someone else but now I am so glad he did not. I knew PBL was problem based learning but I had no idea what it entailed. I thought the students would be learning a skill, etc. and then had to test their knowledge by presenting them with a problem. I could not see how I could use PBL in an art class. What problem could I present them with? I thought about all the standards I have to meet, all the skills I have to teach and all the different levels of learners I have to reach. I quickly found out it was very different than I thought.
            During the first day of the PBL class I learned so very much. I never imagined how much the students would be involved with the planning of the unit. It was amazing to me the amount of student choice that was given. From the project idea, audience and the final product. The students are involved from day one and that in itself is so wonderful! I learned so much about how students talents are hidden and many times students do not even know the talents they possess. I learned that PBL gives students the chance to shine. PBL allows students to show off their talents in a creative, academic way.
            Throughout the week, I also learned that PBL incorporates so many different subject areas. I did not realize that art could flourish while focusing so much energy on social studies. I am now excited to implement a science PBL unit, math, ELA, and more! I now know that PBL can be so much more than just a problem. So many of my colleagues presented such real world problems this week that inspired me. From budget plans to bee projects, these students are being faced with a very different type of learning that is so exciting!  
            I cannot wait for my students to walk through the classroom in August and start right out with PBL! I hope the students will be as excited and passionate about it as I am! I truly believe this will be a wonderful experience for the students and teachers of Fairforest Middle School! I am so glad I am able to be a part of it!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Savannah,
    I appreciate so much your willingness to take this course and to the possibilities for project based learning within your art curriculum. I love your idea for your fall pbl unit that provides your students with the opportunity to design and create a book cover for a book about ancient history that many of them will create in their social studies class. I know your colleagues appreciate the ways that you are working to integrate art into multiple disciplines. Savannah, you have a contagious enthusiasm for what you do and what you are learning and I am thankful for the opportunity to learn alongside you this year.

