Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tieraney Rice Course 2 Post #4: Genius Hour Reflection

For my Genius Hour, I chose to do a STEM activity AND a LEGO Build with the students in my after school program.  My afterschool students are in K/5-4th grades.  The STEM activity was determining the difference an acid and a base.  The LEGO Build was building structures with LEGOS using task cards.  The student works in groups the STEM activity, and worked individually with the LEGOS (they could help each other if needed).  They recorded results and presented their LEGO creations.
Since we only have a little over two hours together, it seemed to be enough time to complete the tasks.  The STEM activity was one day, and the LEGO build was another day.  For the acid/base activity, I would had them test more liquids than we did.  For the LEGO Build, I would have provided more task cards.
Overall, the students learned the importance of working together during a group activity, how to figure out if a liquid is an acid or a base, and how to be creative with LEGOS.  They were fully engaged in both activities, and they asked many questions.  After giving instructions at the beginning of both tasks, I was able to facilitate while they worked.  


  1. Hi Tieraney,
    Thank you for reflecting on your Genius Hour application. I loved hearing about your LEGO Build activity and your STEM activity with your students in your after school program. You shared that students were able to build structures using the task cards and then were able to present their LEGO creations to their peers. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures of their creations as well as their process in our next class. Tell me more about your STEM activity. What materials did students use to determine the difference between an acid and a base? Please upload your Genius Hour planning materials and evidence of implementation to your folder in our Google Drive. I know being able to see it will help me provide you with relevant feedback.


  2. Tieraney I loved seeing how you approached Genius Hour with your afterschool students with the STEM challenge and the LEGO build. It is clear from your students’ faces that they were engaged and enjoyed both activities. In your Genius Hour blog post reflection you shared that students asked a lot of questions during the STEM challenge. What were some of their questions and how did you facilitate their inquiry through the challenge to figure out the difference between acids and bases? What were the outcomes of the student learning? Did they write down what they learned or did you create an anchor chart? You mentioned that students worked together in this challenge? How did the collaboration support student learning? How did you set up the challenge so each student was involved in the acid/base test? I liked how in the LEGO build you provided students with task cards first to guide their building and then allowed them to create freely. One suggestion I have when you do this challenge again is to pair it with a writing assignment where students are able to map out their LEGO build first listing what legos they think they will need and drawing a design of their creation. Then after they build they can go back and make any adjustments to their plan and even make a how-to LEGO book modeled after the guides that come with LEGO sets. With this being an after school activity and one that supplements their regular education I know kids were excited to come to your school and be engaged in new learning rather than just homework and I know parents are thankful for how you extend and challenge their students. If you can go back into your Genius Hour document and add responses to the questions asked above that would be great!
