Friday, February 2, 2018

Taylor Thomas - Course 3: Blog 2

Emerald High School Visit

While visiting Emerald High school, it was evident that a PBL culture has been created. After hearing from teachers and administrators, we learned the main schools that feed into Emerald are also PBL schools. This is a major aspect that contributes to facilitating student learning. The high school students that we saw and spoke with have been learning through the problem based approach for many years. I was quite impressed with student interaction and their communication skills.

One possibility I want to explore with my students is grouping by personality. I will need to explain several of the traits, but am interested to see how this would turn out with my students. I also want to introduce their condensed soft skills rubric to my students. I like its simplicity and how student friendly it is.

I would love to know more about how teachers’ PBLs work together. I know that they are very connected and communicative, but I’m interested in how their projects work together because they do not share students. I’m sure their culture contributes greatly toward this. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Taylor,
    I am glad that you found our pbl visit to Emerald beneficial and observed some strategies that you could try out with your pbl implementation this semester. In doing some research on the color personality test I saw several "for pay" websites that offered the test and an analysis but none were reputable and did not list any valid research. I did see this pdf that aligned with the charts we saw in the teacher's classroom that I wanted to share with you. Just copy and paste the link into your browser to view it.

    I will share some resources for cross disciplinary pbl partnerships as well.

