Thursday, November 17, 2016

Genius Hour

Due to several restraints in the PLTW curriculum I had few options to choose from.  So, I decided for genius hour.   We just finished the Automoblox car where the students had to recreate each piece of a toy car in the Autodesk inventor.  In teams of seven, they either chose the windshield, tire, axle, bed, passenger section, passenger base, or the connector piece.   A team leader was chosen and then pieces were chosen/assigned.   After each student recreated their piece on the 3D software they had to assemble the pieces in the Autodesk inventor.  The genius hour part was the students had to add something, of their choice, to improve the car.  The students have added the following: muffler /flame throwers, people, windshield wipers, license plate, doors, sirens, and a steering wheel.  There were numerous instructional videos on how to build the pieces of the Automoblox car and most of the kids did a studious job of following the directions.  They were able to recreate the pieces to almost exact dimensions and the cars assembly pretty well.  However, their true creativity and understanding of the Autodesk Inventor software shined through as they added items to their cars that they wanted to complete. My favorite was the sire.  He was able to figure out how to make the outer piece of the siren glass (see through) but the inner piece solid.  I saw grown adults cry in Columbia during the training on completing simple assignments.  Yet, a 9th grader took huge strides in the software when he was allowed to complete items that he chose. 


  1. Hi Scott,
    I know with the PLTW curriculum you are limited with modifications you can make to your curriculum. I really appreciate the way you were able to provide your students with a Genius Hour experience through their Automoblox car pbl unit, by allowing them the opportunity to add an element of their choice to improve their existing car they've built using the Autodesk 3D software. In reviewing your evidence in your Google folder for our pbl course I was impressed with your students' creativity (we had a Tire Cage and a Flame Thrower!!!) as well as with their execution. Thanks!

  2. I have found that while researching one thing, my kids also gain a deeper understanding of something else, just how yours were creative with the software. I have found this to be true when my students program using our Lego WeDo software. It's cool to see what they are interested in and what they can teach us.

  3. I also tried Genius Hour, but felts so overwhelmed. I like how you modified the scope of Genius Hour to fit your curriculum. I will definitely take baby steps (kind of like this) next time I try it.
