Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Course 2 Blog Post 2

Video Self Observation Reflection 
At the beginning of this portion of my PBL, not all groups were engaged until I was able to go around to each group to explain again and clarify objectives. Some students needed more guidance than others. I was able to sit and work closely with two boys that were struggling to understand they needed to continue reading past “Pesticides” and find two more theories of CCD. Mrs. Mitchell sat with two boys near the front of the classroom to ensure they were on task and working. They were not struggling with understanding what to do, rather staying focused and on task. The same two boys separated themselves the class before due to this. The day of this observation, they told me they could work efficiently together so I let them rejoin. Though their performance could have been better, they did show improvement. They have successfully worked together with my close attention.
By the end of the lesson, the majority of students had reviewed the research independently or collaboratively to identify at least three causes of CCD. Students struggled to write an effective claim. Most could provide the theory they believe for CCD, but were not providing evidence. The next day I gave students an example and a sentence starter to rewrite/revise their claim ensuring they provided evidence to support their claim.
Video 1 – Two boys were struggling with understanding of overall goal. I let them work for a few minutes and went back to check on them they were still hung up on one theory, pesticides. I sat with them to provide guidance
Video 2 – I provided clarification for two girls working and guided them through what their process should be.
Video 3 – A glimpse of engaging activities, products, and bee information prior to this observation. Essential question “Why are honeybees so important to us?”
Video 4 – Two boys in front of classroom telling Mrs. Mitchell what they have learned. Mrs. Mitchell guides them to put what they have learned in their own words on their workspace. Two girls are using notes from classed in addition to their research for this lesson to complete task.
Video Self-Analysis “Noticing” Rubric
Identifying What’s Important – Advanced: I identified what was most important in my classroom and instruction.
Making Connections – Proficient: I made connections between multiple parts of classroom instruction
Incorporating Contextual Knowledge – Proficient: I incorporated some contextual knowledge into my analysis.

Drafting Next Steps – Advanced: I generated multiple next steps in my analysis and implemented them.


  1. Hi Taylor,
    Thank you for your thoughtful reflection of my observation during your bee pbl unit. Your post shows that you thoughtfully reviewed the video clips as well as my feedback to determine what was important to focus on with your reflection, what the contextual factors were that contributed to the lesson's effectiveness, and then what your next instructional steps will be. Sincerely, Dawn

  2. Taylor,
    You gave a step-by-step analysis of what happened and you were quite honest. I loved how you gave examples showing the students how to provide evidence for their claim. I know you explained everything clearly and then did it multiple times. You were an excellent guide in order to help the students reach their goal.
