Friday, April 19, 2019

Tina Sanders Coaching Cycle Post

 Coaching Cycle: We worked on the S’more Newsletter. Unfortunately, our coaching cycle was interrupted on multiple occasions due to my being in charge of the school’s Talent Show. I would like to sit with you again so that I can take notes on this technology. Thank you Dawn for setting this up and downloading the pictures and videos. I literally couldn’t have done it without you! I think my parents would really like it. My thoughts were to have at least one of these per month where I focus on one group of kids. That way by the end of the year, every child has been highlighted using this format at least once per year. Do you think that would work/be a reasonable goal for my first year? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina,
    I enjoyed our coaching cycle and did not mind the interruptions one bit as it gave me even more respect for your work when I found out that you also head up the school's talent show. I am glad that you liked the S'more newsletter and that parents enjoyed seeing both pictures and videos of student work. I would be glad to come by in May to meet with you to go through the steps to create one. I love the idea of doing one per month focusing on different kids throughout the year. Let me know a good time to come by. Sincerely, Dawn
