Monday, September 25, 2017

Chapter 3 Blog PostChapter 3 blog post

Chapter 3 blog post

                As I read this chapter, the section “Physical Space for Thinkers” stood out to me. In my classroom, I really do not have any physical spaces to allow my students to work other than their desks. I would love to have more areas for students to work at in the future. I also do not have any student work on the walls. I do have a “Hey, Hey I have an A” wall where student’s names are posted if they get an A on a test. My wish list is to add other furniture and more student work in my classroom. I always strive to have a conversational classroom and allow students to present; I will continue to work on that. I will also like to have more audiences come in and speak with my students on their work and relay how it relates to real life.


  1. I love the hey, hey have an A wall. Great.

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I am glad Chapter 3 provided you not only with some practical ideas for your physical classroom environment, but also provided possibilities for ways to consider the environment from a student perspective such as posting student work on the walls and providing opportunities for student interactions.
