Monday, September 25, 2017

Sarah Kate Chatel Course 2 Blog Post 1

Chapter 2:
 Getting to know my students is one of my top priorities within each class I serve. The students within my resource classroom know that I dedicate the last five minutes of class on Fridays to touch base with each of  them through pows and wows. This activity is a time where the students share one good thing and one bad thing that has happened throughout their week. I love this opportunity to hear about all that is occurring in their lives and I try my best to check in with them if they mentioned weekend plans on the next Monday.
 I truly value my students and I want to know what is happening in their lives and what interests them. I try to incorporate their interests into my instruction, so it deepens the meaning of the math concepts I instruct. I find that as students deepen their investment to the content they also have deepened understanding of the content. I love seeing the light bulb moment within my students when they feel that they can finally apply the concepts to their life.
I believe that the five W's are crucial to crafting purposeful instruction. In order to teach you have to know who you are teaching. I am excited to execute my unit because it directly taps into the students interests and real the real world!

Chapter 3:
Immediately into the third chapter of Krauss and Boss's Thinking Through Project Based Learning, I was struck by the title "Making the World Safe for thinking." When I was a student I was terrified of making a mistake or saying the working answer that I became paralyzed at the thought of answering questions or reading out loud, because I didn't want to hear the disappointment in my teachers voice if I got something wrong or mispronounced a word. I still see that model of teaching today. I try very hard to make my class a safe place, where failing is acceptable just so long as students are putting forth effort. I want to make my classroom a place where risk taking is the normal.
 One aspect of being a co teacher that I love is the role, we as educators gets to be within this model. We become the conversation starters. I love asking questions to the teachers and digging deeper, or modeling thought process throughout co teaching or small group instruction. We as co teach teachers help one another put the pieces of  learning together with the students help. I think this is a wonderful way to make teaching and learning more enjoyable for everyone involved.
My main wish list item for my pbl unit is more space for learning. I am currently serving 13 students in all three grade levels in a small classroom built this summer. I would ideally be working with a smaller group within this space, or grow into a larger space. I cant wait to implement this unit when we are in the new building and have space! :)


  1. I love the idea of spending five minutes one day a week to reflect on the students lives. Great idea.

  2. Hi Sarah,
    I loved reading your response to chapter 2 and how you prioritize building relationships with your students and getting to know their interests and home lives through your Pow and Wow weekly routine. I am thankful that you share the belief with me that who we teach is just as important as what we teach.
    In your chapter 3 response you shared that while the physical classroom space is far from ideal, you are able to make the most of you shared classroom space through the structure of co-teaching, starting conversations and asking questions, and most of all providing support for your learners.


  3. Sarah,
    I love what you had to say about pows and wows!! That's a wonderful idea. You are correct that as educators we must know our students. Empathy is definitely needed in this world. It's also wonderful that you are concerned about making your classroom a safe haven. Everyone should do that. Decades ago I thought it would be wonderful if two teachers were in every classroom. So many issues arise and it would help with the rigor also. You did a wonderful job on your blog post.
