Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Tieraney G. Rice Post #5: Revisions made to my PBL plan

My PBL project was called "Shapes Are Everywhere."  I was much more comfortable implementing this project after having the experience of implementing a project in the fall.  When we started the project, my plan was to focus only on 2D shapes and their attributes throughout the project.  However, I quickly discovered through observations and various activities that I could also introduce and focus on the names and attributes of some 3D shapes.  I came to this decision because the students quickly demonstrated that they were very good at identifying 2D shapes and could explain their attributes.  So, adding the exploration and discussion of 3D shapes added a challenge to the project.


  1. I remember when my boys were in Montessori and came home talking about spheres and cones. It's so magical how much they can learn at that age, and I love that you changed your plan based on your observations. This has been a fun process and I've loved being in class with you!

  2. Hi Tieraney,
    I appreciate the changes you made to your unit to add 3D shapes as well. You are right about once our kids are exposed to a topic they are interested in, the sky is the limit! Thank you! Dawn
