Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kristi H. Winslow - Blog Post 2

 1.       A main course project is when the teacher is the main facilitator and is teaching in a way that you would typically see in an everyday classroom with lecture, textbook readings, worksheets, etc., a. nd students are then taking what they have learned and applying it to a final project of the unit.  Whereas PBL “frames curriculum and instruction,” and students are learning the material of the unit while completing a project. 

2. In my classroom I will require students to use their problem- solving skills and collaboration with their group members and be able to voice and take responsibility for their choices in their part in the overall project.  The content material will not be given up front to the students, but will be taught through the completion of the project. 
3. I will need the support of my colleagues in my grade level, not just science, but as well as the other content areas.  I will also need the support of my administrative team. 

4. I will let them know that PBL is not something that they should be afraid of.  It is possible for all content areas to follow this teaching strategy and will open up a new world for our students and allow them to take control of their education and find what their talents are and what they may be passionate about.  


  1. Yes! I believe my initial reluctance to accept the PBL model was my fear of trying something new, and I know many of my colleagues are the same way. Encouraging them to give it a go and providing them with the support they need may alleviate the fears they have.

  2. Kristi! I completely agree with needing support from every subject area within your grade level. I think this is crucial to growth and it is always helpful to hear from others, because they could help with ideas or thinking of things you might not. We all have strengths and it is so great to be able to work together and support one another. I also completely agree with number 4! Initially I was afraid of the thought of a PBL, but as I have learned more it is such an incredible approach and I am kicking myself for not beginning the journey earlier!

  3. Kristi, I completely agree with your question three response. Being able to collaborate with other teachers in your department is extremely important. It helps you add or take away components of your project. But even more important than collaborating with your department, is collaborating with teachers in other departments. By doing this, you are able to connect your subject to other subjects. This helps students see connections and think critically.

  4. Hi Kristi,
    You shared how in your classroom you want to implement project based learning in ways that provide students with problem solving opportunities to take ownership and responsibility over their learning through providing them with choices. I agree with you that in order for students to rise to this challenge we need to let them know that they are supported and to not be afraid of failure.

