Thursday, December 14, 2017

Savannah Griffith Blog Post 5

What I use to think about PBL..

When I first was told I would be taking the class I was nervous. I really had no idea what Problem Based Learning was or how I could use this in my art room. I also knew I would be going through ADEPT, taking the gifted and talented course, read to succeed and coaching cheerleading for the first time. That was and still is a lot on my plate but I am so thankful I chose to still take the class. I thought that it would be too hard and challenging. I also thought that art could not possibly get any better! Boy was I wrong!

What I now know!

I have learned so much this semester in PBL its hard to put into words. I really enjoyed implementing my lesson and seeing the excitement in my students. I now understand that PBL is much more than just a lesson plan like I thought it was this summer. I was able to create a problem scenario and my students were able to create a solution. I absolutely love how different each final product was. I also now know that art is full of problem based learning everyday. I now understand what protocols are and how effect that can be for all lessons. I was basically doing that anyways and did not even know it. I also LOVED genius hour! My students took such care and time on their projects. They also were so creative! I cannot wait to implement a new unit and genius hour next semester!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Savannah,
    I knew you had a lot on your plate this year with SAFE-T evaluation, coaching, the GT class, and Read to Succeed but I am so glad that you chose to take this endorsement class. I am glad that you were able to create a pbl scenario that students wanted to engage in. I am glad that you see the connections between your art curriculum and pbl opportunities. I am also glad that the protocols and genius hour were beneficial. I am looking forward to next semester.

