Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Post #4 PBL at DFC

I have approached the principal at DFC about impelementing PBL on a broader basis than just each teacher completing one unit of PBL per semester.  We came up with an initial plan for students entering into DFC for the 2018-2019 school year.  He suggested for us to start small and to only have one or two classes of students total.  Here is a bried run through of some of the ideas we discussed.  We would like four teachers to be trained in the next cohort; one from each of the main disciplines.  Also, we are going to have this program in place for the lower level students and the students should be enrolled in Integrated Science, Foundations of Math, English I College Prep, and Civics.  Science and Math would be together one semester and English and Civics then next semester.  The teachers would have commong planning. The outline of the class would need to be completed before October 31 when the course guides went to print.  Finally, we mentioned having a recommendation process for the students that are interested in entering this program. I am meeting with Dawn in April to discuss further the plans at DFC.


  1. I love that y'all are planning to try integrated classes like the ones we saw at J.L. Mann. I'm sure it will be nice to have more teachers at your school who will be trained in PBL. It is always helpful to have peer support.

  2. I know you have some great math teachers at DFC but I would be glad to help integrate math skills. I am familiar with the Foundations class and could really see this being a benefit to those students. Don't give up the good fight even if it progresses in smaller steps.

  3. Scott, this is great support for pbl at DFC. I appreciate Dr. Smith's openness to a pbl model that students could choose to experience by taking four courses that are taught by teachers who are trained in the model and supported by the school. I am looking forward to meeting with you in April to discuss possibilities and ways I can continue to support you and the pbl work at DFC through this cohort. Sincerely, Dawn

  4. This is a really cool idea. I know it's a few years away, but if it is successful, I wonder if they will look to continue it at the 10-12 campus? I really liked a lot of what we saw at New Tech at JL Mann, and I know that you guys can modify and tweak it to make the program your own at the Freshman Campus. I talked to a student (after our visit) that is part of the program at JL Mann, and she said that the only part of new tech that she didn't think was working as well was the math, so be sure to focus on that.

  5. That is awesome! I think this would be a wonderful opportunity for those students who may not preform as well in traditional class settings. I hope this is a success and can be carried over to the main campus.

  6. Congrats on getting approval for this innovative idea! I think it will be a wonderful way to push D6 forward and get more teachers on board with PBL. Maybe it will encourage DHS to include courses like these as well.
