Monday, March 13, 2017

Post 1 - Course 3 - Implementation Observation Reflection

     One thing I would like to successfully implement is a back-channel chat. I've tried it 3 times now, once with Padlet, and twice with Slack. I like Slack...I like it a lot actually. But with high school students (especially those armed with cameras and editing software) it quickly devolves into sharing memes.

     I'm guessing 15-18 year olds are just not quite ready for something like that without being closely monitored, and, to be honest, the whole point of a "back" channel chat is that it's something I don't have devote a ton of time to, but I can check off-and-on to monitor comprehension and provide supplementary materials through, which is what I actually like most about it. It's a lot easier to throw a link up on Slack than it is to make a new blog post on Weebly and share it with everyone.

  I also agree I need to get better with rubrics. One of the reasons I don't have one posted in the room is that w'ere not allowed to "decorate." I'm evidently not even allowed to have a white board installed; I'm supposed to do everything on the Active Panel (which is what I do).

     Let me digress for a second, maybe someone can help me with this. The holy grail of rubrics for me would be either an website or an app that would let me build a rubric that would look something like this:
that I could simply look at what I'm grading and click on the correct color to quickly grade it and have it total everything up for me. If someone knows how to make something like that or a tool I could use, I'd be eternally grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Austin,
    I appreciate you taking time to reflect on your pbl observation and the feedback you received. I am glad that you have tried back channels and that you like slack. We use slack in our SCASCD board meetings and I like that you can access it both as an app and as a web 2.0 site which is helpful. I have had success using it with freshman when I put a specific purpose with it...for example asking students to generate three questions they have during a lecture or other student presentations and explain that I am going to be viewing it for their participation grade. That typically cleans it up and keeps it purposeful. You also mentioned how you are working to find a rubric that will make scoring and providing students with feedback more manageable. I shared with you an Excel spreadsheet I created for you but I know after talking with you this is time consuming for more than one photograph. I will be looking to see what is out there that can be useful. Sincerely, Dawn
