Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Christi Coomes Genius Hour
Blog #4 Compacting with an AG class.
I have spent the last week working on compacting the chapter on inequalities with my Algebra I class. Students had the choice to compact or remain with traditional classroom instruction. Those who compacted worked independently on their assignments. I gave the compacters their assignments for the chapter. They had to turn in each assignment as they progressed. Afterwards, the students then work on a genius hour project related to math, any topic of their interest, and have to present a two minute presentation about their project. Students are now working on their genius hour projects or finishing up their chapter test.

This has benefitted everyone in the classroom. The students who have remained with the traditional instruction had small group instruction; therefore, the students felt more comfortable to interact and ask questions.

The compacting students have been enjoying the independent work for various reasons. One student said that she enjoyed working faster on some topics and being able to go slower for more difficult concepts.

So far the students who have compacted their instruction are academically doing well on the chapter assignments, making all A's on the quizzes and tests. Also, the students have enjoyed learning about how real world data can be used in the business world to extrapolate data to make business decisions for the company's future monotary goals. For example, one student looked at the sales of iphones compared to Samsung. She found out that Apple sales spike with the introduction of a number phone. Whereas, Samsung sales are more consistant. She is making a "proposal" to Apple to introduce new items into the market more often based on her findings. Another student is in the process of generating an idea to research, as seen in the first image. She is wondering how population rates effects global warming. The student will collect data on effects of population on global warming by looking at places where the population is dense and sparatic and determine if temperatures have been changing over time.

Students who are compacting are in the process of completing a goformative questionaire to determine how I should address another compacting unit. Some responses are shown in three of the pictures below.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christi,
    I am thankful that you chose curriculum compacting as your Genius Hour project for this semester and that you have had success with both groups of students...those who chose to do the independent curriculum compacting and those who chose traditional instruction. I appreciate you providing your students with the choice and also the ways you used this structure to differentiate your instruction so the students who did curriculum compacting and finished early were able to challenge themselves with a Genius Hour project and those who chose traditional instruction were able to receive small group support. *I want to encourage you to talk with Robert Smith as he is implementing a similar structure with work contracts.

