Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Genius Hour - Kristi Winslow

My first experience with genius hour was semi-successful.  I gave my students the question; “If you could learn ANYTHING, what would you want to learn about?”  I told them the topic should focus on ways they could become a better person, help someone else, and benefit the earth in some way.  They created presentations of their choice to display what they learned.  I was providing them choice in their topic and choice in how they were going to present.  It took them a minute to get started, because of the fact of me not telling them exactly what they had to do, they were a little hesitant on the idea that they could do whatever they wanted, of course as long as it was appropriate. 
Most students were very excited about the opportunity to research something that interests them, and show others what they learned and in return teach us something we may not have known about that topic.  In doing, the project I found out more about my students and their interests, and types of occupations they are looking forward to in the future.  This opportunity was a great way to open their minds to something new. 
I would definitely like to use genius hour again with my classes.  In saying that, I would improve the way I introduce and procedures of the project.  I would provide them with maybe a more specific topic and give a little more examples to help with the “getting started” portion.  I would provide them with an entry event that would be more appealing and exciting.  I would also be more direct with the description of the overall product they are to produce.  I would also like to research more about genius hour to better educate myself in how I could incorporate it more often in my classroom and different ways that I could that. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristi,
    I learned from our Genius Hour Success Analysis Protocol in our last class that your students really embraced the free choice you provided them with and many of them created some professional products. I do want to encourage you to consider ways you can integrate the concept of Genius Hour into your existing science curriculum. I have used Genius Hour as a weekly structure for students to do research on a subtopic within a given concept we are studying and I have also utilized it as an end of year review or in a jigsaw structure. You included outstanding evidence of your Genius Hour planning and implementation into your Google folder. Thank you!

