Monday, November 27, 2017

Savannah Griffith Blog Post 2

Identifying What's Important

In this lesson I felt that it was most important for students to see how art can be creative and fun but also can develop into a real world career. I made sure that students understood that designing a book cover is not just a middle school art project but something that could inspire them to find their calling in life. This opened up the opportunity for me to speak with students about several careers that use art daily. From architects to astronauts.

Making Connections

After showing students real book covers they were able to understand how they could create layers in the project, use outside resources, etc. This day stood out to me the most as far as making connections because I saw the ideas spark in the students eyes. They were excited! I felt this entry event was super successful in making connections for students.

Incorporating Contextual Knowledge

I incorporated contextual knowledge by making sure that all students understood the concept of the project before I let them begin working on their own. This allowed me to assess students on the same level. I also felt this helped students achieve student agency because they we not constantly questioning themselves on the actual concept of the project.

Drafting Next Steps

If I were to do this project again I would encourage students not to think of their book cover as a typical rectangle. I would suggest to cut the corners off, use a different shape, etc. I believe this would push students even farther.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Savannah,
    I enjoyed reading your reflection from your video analysis. I am glad that students were able to see how the task of designing a book cover was relevant to real world careers in art. With the rest connections and the contextual information components it will be helpful for you to view the video from your lesson and to consider specific examples from your lesson to include in your reflection. If you can email the link to your video from this lesson that will provide me with a context of the lesson and the student work you are reflecting on here.

