Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Kristi Winslow - Student Agency

To build our students agency we can provide them with meaningful and relevant activities, which are driven. This will allow students voice and choice in how they are learning.  In the classroom we need to assist students when choosing their direction, students should know their voices and choices are an important part of the learning process, as long as they have an end goal in mind.  Keeping activities relevant will ensure our students are constantly engaged in what they are learning, due to them being a part of the planning process.  Students become invested in their own growth. 
                After reviewing the student agency chart there are topics that I could implement more in my own classroom including; seek feedback, impact self and community, build confidence, and find personal relevance.
Seek Feedback: When working on major assignments, as a teacher I need to provide more opportunities for peer revision and feedback.  I believe this would be beneficial for my students, for them to see their peers work and provide them with suggestions and tell what they should keep or make better. 
Impact Self and Community: Since a majority of my students comes from low socioeconomic backgrounds, I want to focus on getting to know their backgrounds in order to provide them with relevant concepts.
Build Confidence: I want to implement tasks, assignments, discussions, etc. that would display individual students’ academic strengths and interests.  I could do this by taking student surveys or before each unit have them tell me their strengths or prior success in that particular content area.

Find Personal Relevance: When building their confidence I can in return find out my students interests.  I can provide them with more choices in their assignments and connect the content to something that is relevant to them as a middle school student, such as a game, acceptance, or friends.  


  1. I agree with your student agency post. I too need to work on seeking feedback and relevant concepts.

  2. Hi Kristi,
    I appreciate your thoughtful reflection of the resources provided on student agency related to growth mindset. You shared how you feel that opportunities for students to receive and provide feedback is an area that you would like to target for more intentional application and growth. This is an area that I feel we can provide students with more specific opportunities within and outside of pbl to help target their growth. You also shared how you want to build on students' strengths through pre-tests and also through specific praise. Most of all, the common thread throughout your reflection was finding personal relevance. Knowing your students and using what you know about them to connect what they need to know related to the content and the standards is what makes teaching an art.


  3. Kristi,
    I agree that the students would benefit from what their peers say about their final assignments. This would no doubt have a huge impact of improving the next project or revising the current one. Peer pressure can have that positive role also. Our students could definitely benefit from confidence building activities. Student agency should be practiced in every classroom every day because another teacher could provide the support we may have missed during a given project.
