Monday, November 27, 2017

Savannah Griffith Blog Post 4

Genius Hour Project

For Genius Hour I used time the past 4 Friday's and allowed students to create an art project of their choice based on something they were interested in. I created a students packet that students kept in their folder that way on Friday's or during free time in class they could work on this. The packet explained genius hour, had a place for notes, project ideas, project planner and a project proposal. I also included a presentation checklist and rubric. Students were given this at the beginning of the project so that they would know exactly what expected of them. I used one day to explain the packet. It was a lot of information but I believe it helped the project work really well. I did use a few extra days in class if we missed a Friday or such to make up for lost time. This was the students favorite thing to do! They absolutely loved getting to use WHATEVER materials they wanted. They loved having the ability to work on their computer one class and then paint the next. It was exciting to see students take control of their project and get to work on something they enjoyed. Now not all students jumped on board so quickly. It took some weeks to finally get the concept. Overall I felt that the students were extremely successful. They are already asking me when we can do something else like this.

This is the steps we followed to achieve Genius Hour.

  • Students will watch Genius Hour Video from YouTube.
  • Students will receive Genius Hour Packet that they will keep in their sketchbook. Students will work through this as they progress in the project.
  • Students will create a work of art based on a theme of their choice. They must research the theme and have reasoning for the topic. Once they have decided on a theme and received feedback, (page in packet) they will begin their work of art.
  • Students can use ANY materials they would like but must stick to deadlines. All work will be completed on Friday’s or during free time in class.
  • Students will end the project by completing a rubric for their work. They will also give a presentation to their classmates.

I am planning next time to use recycled materials and have them create something they can use to help others, working in groups that they choose. I think this will be a hit because I have so many students that want to help others.


  1. I think that is a great lesson. Kids love having the ability to choose what they get to use, play with, etc. Great job!!!

  2. Hi Savannah,
    This sounds like a fantastic Genius Hour! I love the way you provided students with choice in their products and ongoing time throughout the four Fridays this past month to work on creating their projects. If you can please email and upload to your google folder your Genius Hour assignment and pictures of your student products that will provide evidence for the assignment for me to review and will also give ideas to our colleagues in the class.


  3. This sounds like so much fun. I took a similar approach to Genius Hour in my classroom. I love that students delve in without hesitation when choice is involved.

  4. I was really excited to hear how you implemented PBL in your Art classroom. I loved how you knot only provided choice in the topic of their art piece but in the materials as well. I can see the students being motivated to try a different medium.
