Thursday, August 2, 2018

Post #4

1. Using critical friends is very helpful.  Getting feedback from colleagues allows one to get new ideas, clarify the work that has been done, and share ideas.
2. In order for teachers to make use of this protocol, there must be time allotted to do each part of the protocol.  This will allow each teacher to go through the entire process in a timely manner.
3. After a lot of modeling by the teacher, this protocol could be used with students when they are working on an individual project.
4. Two protocols I will embed in my PBL unit are Pick a Stick and Critical Friends (modified for preschoolers). 


  1. I enjoyed participating in the "critical friends" protocol with you. I learned some helpful ideas from you and Tina. I agree with you about the modeling that preschool students will need to perform this protocol successfully. I would probably start to use this protocol toward the end of the third quarter. At this time students would have more vocabulary and communication skills.

  2. Hi Tieraney,
    I am glad that you found the critical friends protocol to be helpful. I agree with you that teachers need time devoted to this process in order for it to be effective and both teachers and students would benefit from modeling of this protocol to understand the structure and purpose. I believe the popsicle stick protocol and a modified Critical Friends protocol will be helpful for your preschoolers.

