Monday, July 25, 2016

Marie Darstein's Day 1

What is your response to Ken Robinson’s challenge to revolutionize education and how does our work in developing a PBL mindset for Spartanburg District Six students promote/support that paradigm shift?
My initial response to Sir Robinson's challenge is divided. He challenge for revolution is to move from an industrial model that is linear and confirming to an agricultural model that is organic and personalized.   I agree that an agricultural model for education is the best model.  This model allows for an environment where each student finds a curriculum that is encourages their growth and success.  I have to disagree that the current educational model is strictly linear and industrial.  Albert Einstein died in 1955, so sometime before that year he is quoted to have said "I do not teach anyone I only provide an environment in which they can learn."  That is the agricultural model - it’s been around for years and is embraced by many teachers, parents, and students. It is not the easy model or the more commonly accepted model but it is out there.  The challenge might be to support more teachers to move to that model.  Having used guided learning for the past few years has supported the agricultural model and has allowed me to create more personalized learning situations.   It will be a natural step to move to PBL and continue this agricultural learning model.
What does Ken Robinson’s challenge mean for you personally and specifically for your teaching practice?  Describe your vision of a PBL classroom? What practices will you continue to foster?  What is your greatest challenge in implementing PBL in the upcoming school year?
Personally, I do not see Sir Robinson's challenge as a challenge, but as reinforcement of my current teaching practices.  My vision of a PBL classroom will be taking the many projects we already do and adding a few essential elements.  My projects are lacking a few of these elements, specifically student choice and a driving questions.    Adding those elements without losing the existing essential elements will be my greatest challenge but with a few baby steps it will happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marie,
    I am glad that your current practices were validated by Sir Ken Robinson's TED Talk. I want to encourage you to continue reflecting and evaluating your existing units of study to see where you can improve your project based learning practices to increase student engagement and ownership over their learning, and to continue to create a classroom environment that is conducive to inquiry and risk taking.
