Monday, April 30, 2018

Christi Coomes Blog 6

Blog #6

I used to think that PBL was just one more project for me to implement and construct to be totally created by me.  One more box to check off as a required teaching strategy.  I  have, however, found out that it is not anything like that at all.  Teachers provide the framework for a problem to be solved but the students are in charge of the actual product and research.  It is across curriculum and involves using these disciplines to solve the problem, just like in the real world.  History involves mathematics to determine how to handle future situations.  Writings of historical figures can help find connections to current problems in society and how past events might affect future events.  PBL helps students see the relevance  of the subject you teach and how it might be useful for their future or career.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christi,
    I appreciate you sharing your experience with pbl with me and am very thankful that you chose to participate in our endorsement cohort this year. You are right...many times teaching structures and strategies can feel like one more thing to do. Thank goodness that project based learning while a lot at the front end for teachers, provides a structure and a process to sustain student inquiry and engagement toward learning both standards but also real world skills that are evident both in the product but also in the process.

    Thank you!
