Monday, April 23, 2018

Sarah Kate Higgins Course #3 Blog#3- Work Contracts

I loved hearing from other cohort members about the way they have utilized work contracts within their classroom. Mr. Smith's ideas and implementation of work contracts was absolutely incredible and effective based off of the data he collected. I love the thought of work contracts and have attempted to apply work contracts into the co teach classroom. I see work contracts as an excellent way to differentiate instruction and give extension activities to those early finishers as well as provide additional small group support for students that need some extra help. Within the co teach math classroom I have attempted to push my teachers to try small groups and guided math in small doses. I saw my teachers become overwhelmed when initially introducing, but many have jumped into grouping and deep differentiation with me. I have enjoyed so much seeing the students needs being met and having time to provide additional support for those in need as well as providing engaging and challenging activities for those who are able to go on.
I am hoping to begin work contracts within the co teach classroom and think it will be a fantastic strategy with two teachers in the room. I am currently doing daily check lists with the students in order to build their ability to independently work through a variety of activities and I am looking forward to working up to work contracts on a larger scale.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah Kate,
    I am glad that you were intrigued by Robert's implementation of work contracts and see the possibility for using them with your co-teaching classrooms. I definitely see how work contracts can be helpful for a classroom model that includes both small group work time and independent work because the contract can include options for students to choose from without having them wait on the teacher for directions. I would love to continue to support your growth in this work with your co-teachers.

