Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Makisha Fowler-Miller Course 3 Blog 6 What I knew then and now

To think about what I knew then and what I know now is funny! When I first started learning about PBL I had 
no idea what I was getting myself into. All I knew was my school was focused on STEAM and a couple of 
teachers had been selected to learn about Project Base Leaning.

What I know now? Project Based Learning is a teaching method that allows teachers to step back and 
facilitate lessons to students. It removes the thought that teachers always have to be in front of the classroom 
on the boardthrowing out information in order for students to learn. PBL puts learning back in the students court. 
It holds students accountable for their learning as they explore real world situations. PBL encourages critical 
thinking, problem solving, time management, and teamwork. Students are free to perform their own research
while working with peers to find the answers to critical questions. I have really enjoyed PBL and will continue 
to implement it in my classroom. At one point, I thought students had lost their motivation to learn on 
their own but through Project Based Learning I discovered that students just need the chance to explore!


  1. Great reflection. I think PBL is a great way to tackle other material within the classroom not just a project. Each day try turning something over t them to be able to handle.

  2. Hi Makisha,
    I am glad that you have found this endorsement cohort to be beneficial to your growth in project based learning. From reading this reflection and your fourth reflection it is clear that your understanding about pbl has been broadened and enhanced, and most of all your working knowledge of pbl through your classroom implementation has equipped you to successfully apply this structure in your teaching.

