Monday, April 23, 2018

Makisha Fowler-Miller COURSE 3 BLOG 4 GROWTH

During this blog, I want to reflect on how much I have grown since my first PBL project. When I started, I was so confused about what I was supposed to be doing but I did not give up. Instead, I chose to be optimistic. Every time I heard someone mention a PBL project I would listen trying to see what I could pick up from their lesson.

One day, I was sitting in a math training listening to Mr. Smith from Dawkins talk and finally the light bulb came on! I finally figured out what math had to do with Project Based Learning. Listening to Mr. Smith talk answered so many questions that I was wondering about. He told how he grouped his students and how he stepped back and watched his students facilitate the lesson.

 Later that week, I emailed and then co-taught with Mrs. Mitchel and she taught me how to change my lesson to make it relevant to what I was teaching. Now, I feel like I could teach just about any PBL lesson and make it relevant to math. This PBL experience has been very eye opening! When I started, I barely knew what a PBL was and often got it confused with STEAM. Now, I feel that I have enough knowledge to continue teaching the PBL way. I never knew how fufilling it would be to be able to step back and watch students be in control of their learning!


  1. Continue the growth girl! You're doing a great job!

  2. Hi Makisha,
    I appreciate you taking time to reflect on your growth throughout this cohort and am thankful that both Mr. Smith's work contract presentation and our co-teaching experience were beneficial to your growth with project based learning.

