Thursday, April 26, 2018

PBL Course 03 - Blog Post 06 - Smith, Robert

The Benefits of Project Based Learning

When I started this course, I never realized how large of an impact project based learning (PBL) could have on my middle school students. I think that maybe a part of the reason it works so well is because many of these learners never experienced to the concept of PBL. If they are not aware of something's existence, then how can they like or dislike it!

The biggest takeaway I got from these courses is the difference between assigning a classroom project and using project based learning as a means of content delivery. That difference, to me, is that a classroom teacher who assigns a project does so hoping to reinforce what content already taught through other, more traditional instructional means and a classroom teacher who uses PBL designs the entire content distribution process around a single project. The PBL projects should allow for more student choices and be grounded in real world situations. In other words, instead of giving a mathematical formula out to students and working around that with text-based examples, a PBL classroom teacher would design a unit on students exploring the concepts that lead to the discovery of the formula on their own. The project would be the application of that discovery in a meaningful way.

In summary, PBL encourages learners to develop their own methods of solving real-world problems. It better prepares students for success now while helping to better prepare them for success later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Robert,
    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your participation in this pbl cohort. In every endeavor I've had the opportunity to collaborate with you on, I've learned and grown and students have too. This pbl endorsement was no different. Your insights and implementation of project based learning has been an asset to both your class and school, our cohort, and to our district. I agree with you that this endorsement cohort has helped us both understand the difference between projects as a culminating assignment and projects as a process for learning. PBL is both with an emphasis on the process.

    Thank you!
