Friday, June 30, 2017

Kristi Winslow - Blog Post 5

Assignment 5: “What I Use to Think, but Now I Know”
            I use to think PBL, was just based on an end of the unit project, which would be used as an assessment to ensure that our students mastered the content that was taught.  I also thought it was going to be a difficult task to implement into a unit, because I was afraid that it would cause me to lose the command of my classroom, and my students would not gain the knowledge they would need in order to develop the content skills in order to succeed in my class. 
            I now know, PBL is not something to be afraid of and that it is a great way to teach my students, while still teaching them what they need to learn from the content.  I am so glad I took this class.  Being involved in the PBL cohort class has opened my mind so much to the benefits of PBL in the classroom.  This focus will change the way I teach in a way of giving my students more opportunities to express their passions and display their talents based on things that interest them.  PBL is a great way to prepare our students for the future in giving them problems that they may be faced with in their near futures.  It not only is a way to prepare our students for college, but also to prepare those students that may not go to college and it is a way to get them ready for the real-world and the struggles or issues they may be faced with.  The requirements of this cohort, have given me so many ideas of different protocols, unique assessments, ways to give student choice, and so much more.  I will definitely integrate these experiences into my classroom, and I believe it is going to form me into a better teacher and create an environment for my students, where they are excited to attend and participate in all of the fun and exciting adventures we will be embarking on. 

            This class could not have come at a better time in my career.  I have planned most of the science units for the 2017-2018 school year and I plan to have either a PBL or STEAM experience in each of my units and, I will admit I am a little afraid of some, but I am also so excited to implement them and go through this experience together with my students.   


  1. The end of a unit project! That was me too! I was a real "desserter"!

  2. I believe fear is what keeps me, and my students, from trying new things. We can use this personal experience to encourage our students to pursue new adventures, no matter how frightening. We grow by challenging ourselves to overcome our fears.

  3. I also thought that the students would not get all the information they needed by using a PBL. However, the process we learned last week will be extremely beneficial to the students. Students will have exercised analytical skills and critical thinking skill for each unit; therefore, they will be able to apply these thought processes on any state test.

  4. Hi Kristi,
    I am glad that this professional development opportunity came at just the right time for you. Teaching in a school where the culture for STEAM and project based learning already exists provides the support needed for successful on-going implementation. I appreciate the way you thoughtfully created your unit around plant and animal cells to provide your students with opportunities in other content areas and with an authentic audiences through their culminating product...a children's picture book for a fifth grade class. I can't wait to see what they will create and I am looking forward to learning with you this fall.

