Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sarah Garner; Blog 3

Video Choice 1
Some of the problems student might encounter when working in groups are lack of communication, students in group goofing around, and one person doing the whole project. Contracts can be designed to place responsibilities on all group members. It decreases the chance for one student to complete the entire project by themselves. Contracts can decrease problems with communication by setting procedures of what to do when someone is absent. It can outline the duties of each member. The most interesting component I noticed in the video was consequences. The students have consequences set by their own group members. Once they have had all consequences, the student is kicked out of the group and forced to work on their own. No student wants to work on their own, so they strive to complete their work.

Video Choice 2
When assessing how students are performing in their group roles it makes them accountable for their own task. It decreases the chance of one student completing the entire project. Mr. Jupp walks around continuously giving feedback. He tells the students how great their project is and how to improve on it. He shows the students that there is always room for improvement. Peer assessment give ownership of the learning to the students because it allows the presenters to know if the assessors understood what they presented and how to improve on it. It makes sure the students are able to model what they are teaching.


PBL and collaborative group work fits within the criteria of the profile of a South Carolina graduate because it focuses on critical thinking, problem solving, team work, communication, and researching information. It teaches the students how to communicate and solve problems within a group effectively.  


  1. I like the idea of the students creating the consequences, with the final result being kicked out of the group. I wonder what kinds of consequences the students would create, though, and how much guidance we would need to give them in order for it to be successful. I'm very intrigued by the idea of group contracts.

  2. Awesome review. I also see the value in the group contracts, especially if the students come up with their own consequences. Kind of makes it more valuable to them. Communication and problem solving skills are the 2 most important things students lack today. Great job!

  3. Hi Sarah,
    Like you, I liked how the first video really showed how students can co-construct their group contract, deciding for themselves what their rules will be and what their consequences will be. I believe this process provides students with ownership that will in turn lead to higher engagement and less off task behavior.

